• Periodontal Therapy Procedures

    Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, is a bacterial infection that inflames the soft tissue around your teeth and becomes more severe if left untreated. Over time, gum disease will erode the bone that supports your teeth, leading to tooth mobility and loss. Depending on the

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  • Pregnancy and Oral Health

    Due to changes in hormones, pregnant women might be more susceptible to oral health conditions, like gingivitis, tooth decay, and pregnancy tumors. Pregnancy gingivitis affects nearly 40% of pregnant women and looks like: Red and swollen gums Sensitivity of gums and teeth Bleeding after brushing or

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  • Pregnancy and Your Child's Developing Teeth

    A baby’s teeth are not visible at birth, but already exist underneath the gums. Children's primary teeth begin forming at about the sixth week of pregnancy, and start mineralizing — building the bonelike inner tooth layer (called dentin) and the super-hard enamel layer that covers it — around the

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  • Preventive Dentistry

    Preventive care is one of the best—and easiest—ways you can maintain your healthy smile for a lifetime. Practicing good oral hygiene helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Protecting your teeth helps prevent dental trauma. Seeing your dentist regularly helps you discover any dental issues, and

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  • Root Canal FAQs

    What is a root canal? The roots of your teeth have small openings, called root canals, which allow blood vessels and nerve fibers to bring nutrients and sensation to your teeth. If infection occurs in or around these small openings, it can damage the pulp inside of the tooth. A root canal treatment is

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  • Root Canal Retreatment

    If your tooth does not heal correctly after a root canal procedure, endodontic retreatment may be necessary to save it. With any dental procedure, it is better to save your natural tooth if the possibility is there. A “retreated” tooth can last a very long time, even a lifetime. A few instances that

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  • Root Canal Treatment

    Every tooth has two sections: a crown, the visible part of the tooth above the gum line, and one or more roots, which anchor the teeth within the jaw. Each tooth has three basic layers: an outer layer of hard enamel (which protects the crown) or cementum (which covers the root), a middle layer of softer

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  • Root Canal Treatment for Children

    If your child’s baby tooth suffers extensive decay, infection, or trauma, damage to the tooth’s pulp can occur. Pain, visible decay, darkened enamel, sensitivity, redness, pus, or a pimple-like spot on the gums can be symptoms of pulp injury or infection, and should be evaluated by a dentist immediately. Pulp

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  • Same-Day Crowns

    A tooth that has been structurally damaged by decay or trauma sometimes needs to be crowned or “capped” so that it can look good and function properly again. A crown is a durable covering that is custom-made to fit over the entire tooth from the gum line up. Getting a crown used to mean multiple

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  • Sealants

    The most likely location for a cavity to develop in your child's mouth is on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The deep and varied crevices in these teeth make it easy for food particles to hide, and it can be difficult to keep these teeth clean, even with regular brushing. Your child’s dentist

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  • Sedation Dentistry

    Sedation dentistry uses medication to help you feel more calm and relaxed during your dental procedure. Sometimes called conscious sedation dentistry, you will experience forgetfulness and insensitivity to pain all while still being conscious. Sedation dentistry can be used on patients of all ages. There

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  • Sinus Surgery

    Dental implants are a great, innovative way to replace teeth, but sometimes there isn’t enough bone to support the implant. In this case, your doctor might recommend sinus surgery. Sinus surgery, also known as a sinus lift, is a bone grafting procedure that will augment and strengthen your jaw bone

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  • Sleep Apnea in Children

    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by the recurrence of interrupted breathing during sleep and results in a chronic lack of deep, restful sleep. When adults have this disorder, they are likely to experience daytime sleepiness, but when it occurs in children, they are more likely to have behavioral

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  • Smile Makeover

    When you’re happy with your smile, you’re able to greet the world confidently, both personally and professionally. Concerns about your smile can undermine that confidence. If you’d like to correct imperfections in your smile, cosmetic dentistry can transform your look and your outlook with innovative

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  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea

    Is it snoring or sleep apnea? Snoring occurs when soft tissues in the throat area relax during sleep, partially blocking airways and vibrating with the passage of air. It’s this vibration which causes that distinctive snoring sound. If you’re one of the millions of people who snore, you know how

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  • Space Maintainers

    One of the many functions of baby teeth is to hold space for the adult teeth that will eventually push them through. When baby teeth are lost prematurely, the permanent teeth that are coming in on either side can actually drift into the space that was reserved for another tooth. This can cause teeth

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  • Stress and Oral Habits

    Teeth grinding and clenching, also called bruxism, is associated with stress and sometimes caffeine and stimulants. As bruxism most often occurs at night, some people may not realize they do it, but the signs and symptoms show in the teeth. Teeth grinding and clenching are common habits that can have

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  • TMD

    The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) connect the temporal bones on each side of the skull to the mandible, or lower jawbone. These complex, hinge-like joints allow the mouth to open and close, move back and forth, and slide from side to side. Muscle, bone, and cartilage work together for easy and comfortable

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  • Teen Orthodontic Care

    Teens should begin orthodontic treatment between the age of 11 and 13, especially if they experience oral problems such as a bad bite, tooth gapping, or misaligned teeth. During adolescence, the body is still growing and developing, making it more malleable to work with. Today, there are a variety of

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  • Teeth Whitening

    Over time, stain-causing foods and beverages, smoking, and thinning enamel can dim the brightest smile. If you are feeling self-conscious about your teeth, your dentist can help you discover the whitening treatment that is best for you. At-home Whitening Home treatments can be helpful in reducing surface

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  • Temporary Anchorage Devices

    Temporary anchorage devices (TADs), also known as “mini implants,” are titanium devices that are screwed into your gum and jaw. TADs act as anchors to support the movement of your teeth. They can be positioned in different areas of your jaw, depending on what anchorage and movement you need. Since

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  • Thumb Sucking

    Thumb sucking is a common habit that babies develop before they’re born. While most children naturally stop thumb sucking between the ages of two and four, some children might struggle to break the habit. If your child is still thumb sucking around the age of four, it’s important to help them stop. Thumb

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  • Thumb and Finger Appliances

    Thumb sucking is a damaging habit that can cause tooth and surrounding skeletal structures to develop abnormally as your child grows. If your child has a persistent thumb sucking problem past the age of four to five, thumb and finger appliances, or thumb sucking appliances, can help your child stop this

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  • Tooth Contouring

    Because our smiles are the way we greet the world, even tiny imperfections in our teeth can cause self-consciousness. If you have a front tooth with an uneven edge, a canine that is too long or pointed, a slight overlap between two teeth, or any other minor cosmetic concern, tooth contouring might be

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  • Tooth Decay Prevention

    What is tooth decay? Tooth decay begins with the Streptococcus mutans bacteria. These bacteria join with food particles and fluids in the mouth to create plaque, a constantly forming biofilm which sticks to the surface of tooth enamel. The bacteria in plaque convert the sugars in our foods into lactic

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  • Tooth Pain

    Pain is a signal that something is wrong. Any tooth pain should be taken seriously, because ignoring this symptom can lead to more serious dental and medical consequences. Among the common causes of tooth pain are decay, erosion, infection, and trauma. Tooth Decay Tooth decay begins with the bacteria

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  • Tooth Sensitivity

    Drinking hot and cold beverages, eating sweet or acidic foods, brushing your teeth, breathing through your mouth, biting down—if any of these normal activities are causing you pain, you’re probably experiencing tooth sensitivity. Tooth anatomy helps explain why teeth can become sensitive: Enamel

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  • Tooth-Colored Fillings

    Fillings can be used to restore teeth with small to mid-sized cavities as well as minor chips, fractures, and wear. Tooth-colored fillings are a popular choice for restorations because they complement the natural beauty of a smile. Unlike traditional gold or silver fillings, tooth-colored fillings blend

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  • Toothpaste

    As you know, your dentist recommends fluoride toothpaste because fluoride prevents cavities. Fluoride bonds with the calcium and phosphate ions in our tooth enamel, repairing weak spots. Even better, this new bond is stronger and more cavity-resistant than enamel alone. When it comes to preventing gum

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  • Traumatic Dental Injuries

    Traumatic dental injuries occur most often in children and teenagers, although people of all ages can experience them as well. Sports accidents, car accidents, and falls or trips are all examples of how someone can experience a traumatic dental injury. If you have experienced this type of injury, it’s

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  • Types of Appliances

    Elastics Elastics are small rubber bands that help move teeth into proper alignment. Typically, one side is connected to the top jaw and the other side to the bottom jaw, and are helpful in creating an ideal bite. Forsus™ Nitinol Flat Spring A Forsus is a small rod with a spring surrounding it, and

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  • Types of Braces

    Metal Braces Traditional metal braces are the most common type of braces, as they correct a variety of orthodontic conditions and are generally the most affordable. Made of high-grade stainless steel, metal braces straighten your teeth using metal brackets and archwires. With metal braces, you have the

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  • Ultrasonic Cleanings

    Ultrasonic cleaning, also known as ultrasonic scaling, is an alternative to traditional manual methods of removing plaque from your teeth. An ultrasonic cleaning device operates by sending low ultrasonic vibrations in the unit’s hand-held wand, causing the tip to vibrate faster than the speed of sound.

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  • Veneers

    A dental veneer is a thin, durable porcelain shell that is custom-fabricated to cover the front of a tooth. Veneers can restore the appearance of teeth with chips, cracks, and stains, can close small gaps between the teeth, and can reshape misshapen or slightly misaligned teeth. Veneers are a popular

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  • Whitening Traumatized Teeth

    When it comes to cosmetic dental treatments, teeth whitening is the most popular because it offers a simple, safe, and effective way for you to achieve a better smile. However, the teeth whitening procedure can be more challenging depending on the condition of the teeth. Traumatized teeth, due to sports

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